San Franciscans must like sweets--it seems there's a bakery, a donut shoppe, or an ice cream parlor on almost every corner. Maybe I exaggerate just a little. But without really trying, I counted over a dozen in the mile radius around our flat.

Sweets must be important to us as well; Gates' first taste of Bi-rite ice cream was one of our Summer Bucket List items last year. (Visiting Mitchell's Ice Cream in Bernal Heights is on our Summer Bucket List this year.) And when Kait of Yuppie Love visited last summer, I took her two of our favorite haunts: Anthony's Cookies and The Creme Brulee Cart.

Where to Find Ice Cream, Donuts, and Cookies in The Mission
Here are our top 5 favorite spots in The Mission where we satisfy our sweet tooth:
- Anthony's Cookies on Valencia between 25th and 26th
- Bi-Rite Creamery (if you're not feeling the lines and all you want is a pint, you can totally grab one from the market across the street or if you're the type of person who can plan ahead, use Good Eggs to get it delivered straight to your door)
- Dynamo Donut and Coffee on 24th between York street and Hampshire
- Humphry Slocombe just off 24th on Harrison
- Xanath Ice Cream on Valencia between 20th and 21st

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Credits: All layouts designed by and images taken by Eden Hensley Silverstein for The Road to the Good Life.