A lot goes into perfecting a moist, delicious cupcake, brownie bite, or muffin. Especially those that are dairy-free. (Many butter and milk substitutes don't have the same fat content.) Toss in dairy-free AND gluten-free and well... Most offerings are little better than cardboard. But Sweets Simply has nailed it: dairy-free, gluten-free, AND refined-sugar free.

Besides exploring space, Gates loves throwing tea parties. And when it comes to food, she's very social and very inclusive. She doesn't like to be the only one eating and will share so that no one goes without. So we try to serve our meals family style. (This approach doesn't always work, but it does result in less leftovers or composted discards.)

After a picture perfect, gluten-free peach galette turned out to more closely resemble salt dough than an edible pastry, I haven't tried my hand at gluten-free, dairy-free desserts. For one, mistakes are very expensive. Second, accidental cross-contamination is so easy. Third, in San Francisco, we're lucky enough to have a range of options that you wouldn't know were gluten-free.

Unfortunately I didn't get my order of Sweets Simply in for us to have brownie bites at Gates' birthday party. But I did arrange for some gluten-free Salted Caramel Cupcakes; they're just not dairy-free so I'll be watching enviously. If they taste as yummy as the brownie bites, both will be traveling cross-country to a friend who doesn't have as many gluten-free options near her.
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Credits: All layouts designed by and images taken by Eden Hensley Silverstein for The Road to the Good Life.