Any parent will tell you: savor these moments, they pass all too quickly. What moments? Those spent with little ones. (I'd argue that everyone, parents or not, should be savoring these moments. Parents are lucky in that we see how quickly time passes, and can appreciate it--specifically the lack of it--more fully, but that's another post.) I can't believe that 24 months ago, cubes and I were just leaving the hospital with a newborn baby and now we have a two year old.

Gates continues to spend four days a week with my parents and one day a week with me. I didn't realize how much I missed having an entire day to spend with Gates until we started hanging out again. (Don't get me wrong, it's the most exhausting day of my week. Keeping up with a toddler, planning educational and fun activities to engage her mind, preparing and serving meals she wants to eat, remembering not to apply judgement--positive or negative-- to her actions, and redirecting her energy into age appropriate behaviors and activities is a full-time job. I don't see how WAHM do it.)
From my mom's notes, here are highlights of what Gates has been up to:
- March 3: Building villages and toppling them. Practicing washing her hands with soap and water! Bouncing balls in the entry area.
- March 4: Books: A ton of reading! Block village building and knocking down again! Pizza coffee party with small Pooh and kitty.
- March 7: Drawing - played with new pens, mostly "put them in" (containers) "take them out."
- March 18: Drawing - making notes and lists on small papers.
- March 20: Dress up. It's great she has a large mirror! Played with purses, scarves, and gloves.
Chronicling Your Little One's Growth
As a photographer, one might assume I'd be drawn to capturing the people in my life on camera; you'd be wrong. I tend to focus on details--still lifes showing signs of life. A blogger that I've followed for many years now, Nicole Balch Making it Lovely, as well as a photographer, Jenny Solar of The Happy Family Movement, inspired me to be more proactive with chronicling Gates' life.
If you're expecting and thinking of doing a similar project, be sure to read through my tips for creating a monthly portrait series before you rush to the hospital. Trust me, you'll be glad you did!

Unlike Nicole, who switched to yearly portraits of her children after their first two years, and unlike Jenny, who takes a weekly portrait of her children, I'm going to stick with monthly portraits of Gates for the near term (that is until Gates decides she doesn't want a camera being stuck in her face). You may or may not see them posted here in a timely manner.
Gates' First Two Years in Photos and Words
I can't believe how quickly two years has gone by. Read how much has changed, and see how Gates has grown:
- The first six months: at 2 months, at 3 months, at 4 months, at 5 months, and at 6 months.
- The second six month period: at 7 months, at 8 months, at 10 months, at 11 months, and at 12 months.
- The third six month period: at 13 months, at 14 months, at 15 months, at 16 months, and at 18 months.

Being a mom of an active toddler leaves little time for anything besides work and family. So, I have portraits of Gates at 19-months through 23-months, but have yet to find the time to run them through post-production and share with you. I would say follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more photos of Gates, but I try not to flood my social channels with toddler photos or cat photos (even though those two tactics are known to positively impact your Klout score). Although, lately on Instagram I'm averaging about one to two photos of Gates a week.
If you'd like to see more photos from Gates' 24 month portrait session than I've included here, head on over to Flickr, The First Two Years gallery.
P.S. Don't feel like commenting? Strike up a conversation with me elsewhere: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Google+, or Pinterest.
Credits: All layouts designed by and images taken by Eden Hensley Silverstein for The Road to the Good Life.
Monthly Snapshot is a monthly series that chronicles Gates' growth during her first twenty four months. This series was inspired by Nicole Balch of Making it Lovely's series for her two children: Eleanor and August.