Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday Scramble: Finding the "Right" Mantra

I didn't post a scramble last week, but it wasn't because I was still solving the previous week's scramble. The reason the scramble was late? Finding the "right" mantra to start.
Some solutions to last week's Sunday Scramble. New scramble will be posted tonight.
I've got one complete set of magnetic letters (a set of capital letters borrowed from Gates' Fisher Price School Days Play Desk). I added magnetic letters from a few other sets so that I could create sentences. I'd thought that I had enough consonants -- or at least two of each consonant -- but I was wrong. At the moment, I only have one "H."
For me, each week's mantra needs to be positive. This means not only am I constrained by the available letters and the dimensions of the three magnetic message boards, but I'm also limited in the words I chose from.
Ever find yourself challenged by a "simple" game?
"Mantra" for Sunday Scramble: Do not fear mistakes; that is what magnets are for.
Numerous false starts later, I finally have a mantra for this week's challenge: "Do not fear mistakes; that is what magnets are for."
If you'd like to play along, check out the rules here and start scrambling the mantra to your heart's content. If you do play, please share your solutions.
Ciao Bella!
P.S. Here are some of the false starts in case you're curious. First, I was an H short: Do not fear mistakes. That is why we have erasers. Second, I was short an R short: Do not fear mistakes. That is what erasers are for. Third - Do not avoid mistakes. That is what erasers are for. With the third attempt, I didn't like what the word "avoid" implied; it could mean avoid mistakes by not attempting something new or a task you haven't yet mastered.
Credits: All layouts designed by and images taken by Eden Hensley Silverstein for The Road to the Good Life.