- Filters
- Portion of image used for spot metering
- Flash settings
- Modification(s) to flash units
- Presence/location of reflectors or diffusers
A couple of nights ago I was choosing images that were representative of my style to upload to a portfolio for a class I'm taking. As I was reviewing images, there were differences between photos shot in the same location only seconds apart (different Canon 30D body but identical set up). Luckily I was able to quickly scan keywords that I'd added to see what was causing the difference - choice of filters. Both images were shot outside in the late afternoon. One image was taken with a lens that used a Skylight filter in addition to the basic Hoya Pro1 Digital Filter Protectors I use on all my lenses. The only reason I could determine why the two images were different was because I had added a keyword category with the name of the filters used. [When I upgraded to Canon's "L" series of lenses, I also upgraded and expanded my set of filters for the lenses. As each filter has different characteristics, I wanted to be able to track and compare performance. Now, after I upload my RAW images I add keywords that identify which filter(s) was used.]
How do you annotate your shots? Do you keep a separate notebook (I used to do that when I shot film)? Do you add keywords to your images? Or do you put the shot annotations in your description?