A class assignment had us focus on the regularity of form in machinery. I chose the valve of a fire house connection for my series of 4 images.

Top photo taken with a Canon EOS 30D on 4/16/2007 18:45:04. Tv(Shutter Speed) - 1/125 Sec; Av(Aperture Value) - F5.6; Metering Modes - Evaluative metering; ISO Speed - 800; Lens - EF28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM; Focal Length - 95.0 mm; White Balance - Tungsten; AF mode - AI Servo AF. Middle left photo taken with a Canon EOS 30D on 4/16/2007 18:40:53. Tv(Shutter Speed) - 1/80Sec.; Av(Aperture Value) - F5.0; Metering Modes - Evaluative metering; ISO Speed - 800; Lens - EF28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM; Focal Length - 80.0; White Balance - Tungsten; AF mode - AI Servo AF. Middle right photo taken with Canon EOS 30D on 4/16/2007 18:43:52; Tv(Shutter Speed) - 1/80Sec.; Av(Aperture Value) - F5.0; Metering Modes - Evaluative metering; Speed - 800; Lens - EF28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM; Focal Length - 35.0 ; White Balance - Tungsten; AF mode - AI Servo AF. Bottom photo taken with Canon EOS 30D on 4/16/2007 18:45:04; Tv(Shutter Speed) - 1/125Sec.; Av(Aperture Value) - F5.6; Metering Modes - Evaluative metering; ISO Speed - 800; Lens - EF28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM; Focal Length - 95.0 mm; White Balance - Tungsten; AF mode - AI Servo AF.